Hope you'll stop by for a visit sometime.
coffee's always on,
and we try to keep the fridge stocked, too...
So let's have another cup of coffee,
and let's have another piece of pie...
Kind words in my inbox are always welcome.
All comments, critiques, raves, flames and water balloons
can be directed to Granny.
If you can't annoy somebody, there's little point in writing.
Kingsley Amis
From Merriam-Websters
di·ur·nal (di-ūr'nal)
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin diurnalis - JOURNAL
1 a : recurring every day - diurnal tasks
b : having a daily cycle - diurnal tides
2 a : of, relating to, or occurring in the daytime - the city's diurnal noises
b : active chiefly in the daytime - diurnal animals
c : opening during the day and closing at night - diurnal flowers
Relating to or occurring in a 24-hour period; daily.
Occurring or active during the daytime rather than at night: diurnal animals.
Botany. Opening during daylight hours and closing at night.
- A book containing all the offices for the daily canonical hours of prayer except matins.
- Archaic.
- A diary or journal.
- A daily newspaper.
[Middle English, from Late Latin diurnalis, from Latin diurnus, from dies, day.]
diurnally di·ur'nal·ly adv.